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长滩 Downtown



Collage of 菠菜网lol正规平台 学生

卓越 & 股本

The 长滩 Unified School District’s Journey from the Perspectives of Senior District Leaders

博士. 吉尔一. Baker, 负责人
Dr. Tiffany Brown, Deputy 负责人
Dr. Kelly An, Assistant 负责人, Human Resource Services

Setting the Stage for 长滩's 股本 Story

Over the greater part of two decades, the 长滩 Unified School District (菠菜网lol正规平台) has been on an equity journey. Our equity-centered commitments have profoundly shaped and are continuing to shape every facet of how we do business in our district, including professional development for leaders, 老师, and classified personnel, as well as curriculum, 指令, 评价, and family and community engagement.

The purpose of this publication is to share our district’s equity journey with other education leaders across the United States. By no means is it comprehensive, nor do we in 菠菜网lol正规平台 have it all figured out. Our desire is to share the lessons and best practices we have learned so that they might spur the work.

We encourage you to use this publication as a conversation starter in senior leadership teams, in graduate programs with aspiring leaders, in coaching sessions, and in other venues where we might learn from each other.

We hope that by telling our story we can continue to be challenged and grow in 菠菜网lol正规平台. There’s too much at stake for us to be doing this work in isolation.

“There has never been a more important time for us to focus on relationships and the students who are farthest away from justice than at this moment. Our students are depending on us to reimagine the future.”

Dr. 吉尔一. Baker, 负责人